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    Avoiding Deadly Truck Accidents in Wyoming

    The Robert Pahlke Law Group

    Wyoming is one of the many states truckers travel through when moving goods cross country. In fact, the I-80, which is the second largest interstate in America, goes directly through Nebraska and the southern part of Wyoming. With so many semis, 18-wheelers and other trucks on the road, driving conditions are often extremely dangerous. Weather, road conditions and other factors may have an impact on driving conditions in these areas, but the utmost caution must be taken when driving along highways and roads congested by trucks.

    It is important, of course, for truckers to follow the guidelines and regulations laid out by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. A truck driver who gets plenty of rest, takes his or her mandated breaks, does not drive without sufficient sleep, slows down in populated areas, is extremely attentive of his or her “no-zone,” keeps the required distance from the vehicle in front, ensures that regular maintenance is performed on all safety system, and takes various other precautions is doing a lot to help prevent a trucking accident. There are steps that you can take to help prevent a deadly trucking accident in Wyoming as well.


    The first thing you can do is to be aware of the trucks around you. You then need to keep in mind that trucks act differently than smaller vehicles. They are usually carrying heavy loads that may easily shift and as a result, the vehicle can potentially sway out of lanes. If at all possible, try to avoid a truck’s “no-zone” or blind spot. If you cannot see the truck’s side mirrors then the driver will not be able to see you. Never pass a truck when it is in the process of making a turn.

    Many trucks will veer left or right before making a turn in the opposite direction. It is best to give the truck the room necessary to make the turn. Do not cut in front of a truck or attempt to cut one off. Not only could the driver be unable to stop in time to avoid hitting you, but if he or she was forced to slam on the brakes, the truck could end up jack-knifing and causing a multi-vehicle accident. Be aware of what the truck is doing, or planning to do, before you attempt to pass. In cases where you observe an unsafe truck driver, alert the local police. Each of these actions may be able to help save your life or the lives of others, and prevent a deadly trucking accident.

    If you have been injured in a trucking accident in Wyoming we advise that you contact our firm at once. The Robert Pahlke Law Group has been successfully representing trucking accident victims and their families for many years. We know the extensive pain and suffering that victims and families suffer after a serious injury or loss of life. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality personal legal representation.

    We can zealously protect your interests and help you to pursue the maximum compensation for your injuries. A skilled truck accident attorney from our firm can assist you with all legal aspects of your case, from filing an insurance claim, to negotiating a settlement with the insurance company, to fighting for justice in court, when necessary. We are here for you; contact our firm today.

    Injured? Request a free initial consultation Fill Out the Form Below or Call (308) 633-4444