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    Two Common Causes of Trucking Accidents in Wyoming

    The Robert Pahlke Law Group

    One of the main problems people encounter when driving along any of the interstate highways that cross our nation is the dangerous conditions associated with having to share the road with a large number of semis, tractor-trailers and other trucks. Many of the most heavily traveled routes going across the United States are part of the interstate system.

    Recent statistics from the Federal Highway Administration show that at least one out of every four vehicles traveling along interstate highways is a large truck. I-80, which goes from just outside of New York City all the way to San Francisco, is the second-largest interstate in America. Trucking accidents along this interstate are far too common. Our law group has represented numerous trucking accident victims who have been severely injured in trucking accidents in both Wyoming and throughout the state of Nebraska.

    Two of the most common causes of trucking accidents along these long stretches of road are driver fatigue and driver error. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has established strict regulations to the trucking industry’s Hours-of-Service (HOS) regulations. All vehicles and drivers who fit within explicit interstate commerce parameters are required to comply with HOS regulations. The regularity of travel, as well as the materials he or she transports, will impact the total number of hours that can be legally driven within a specified period of time.

    It is drivers who opt to ignore these regulations or who are pressured by their employers to continue to make a delivery on time often cause accidents resulting in serious injuries and fatalities. Driver errors can occur as a result of lack of proper training, unfamiliarity with the area, failure to follow speed limits and other posted signs, and various types of truck driver negligence are all capable of causing a deadly accident.

    If you have been injured in a trucking accident in Wyoming or Nebraska that you believe was caused by driver fatigue or a distracted driving, or any other situation, you need legal representation immediately. You ability to recover the compensation you deserve can be greatly impacted by the skill of your Nebraska personal injury attorney. To find out how The Robert Pahlke Law Group may be able to help, contact us today.

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